Aruba Cloud Tutorial

Explore our tutorials on cloud computing for sysadmins and programmers

In this article you will learn how to install, configure and use Rsync on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 in order to synchronize files and folders and schedule a periodic backup of your server.

Backup Storage Ubuntu

23 Jan 2020

In this guide you will find all the useful information to start using a load balancer with Jelastic Cloud and configure it in order to balance the TCP load with NGNIX and store the cache.

Cache Jelastic Cloud NGINX

17 Feb 2020

This guide explains how to use the Jelastic Cloud interface to better configure the firewall present in your virtual environment.

Firewall Jelastic Cloud Security

09 Feb 2020

In this guide you will find all the necessary steps to install the PrestaShop e-commerce platform on your Linux Ubuntu 18.04 server.

CMS E-commerce Ubuntu

23 Feb 2020

In this tutorial you will find all the steps to configure a new virtual environment with Jelastic Cloud and deploy a PHP application using NGINX.

Jelastic Cloud NGINX PHP Web Hosting

02 Mar 2020

This tutorial will show all the necessary steps to correctly create an instance of the Apache Tomcat web server on Jelastic Cloud.

Jelastic Cloud Tomcat Web Hosting

10 Mar 2020

In this tutorial you will learn how to install and configure a Database Server with MariaDB and to set up automatic backups using Jelastic Cloud.

Database Jelastic Cloud

26 Mar 2020

In this tutorial you will learn how to install and configure the Magento 2 e-commerce platform with Jelastic Cloud, both through automatic deployment via Marketplace, and manually.

CMS E-commerce Jelastic Cloud

22 Mar 2020

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple web app with Node.js, using the Express framework and the SQLite library, and to publish it online using Jelastic Cloud.

Development Jelastic Cloud Node.js

16 Mar 2020

In this guide you’ll find out more about how to manage the versioning of a project with Git on Linux, and especially to move across the branches, delete or merge branches and manage tags.

Git Linux Version Control

23 Mar 2020
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