Block Storage, reliability and performance
for all your archiving needs

  • Unlimited scalability for Cloud Servers or Kubernetes clusters
  • Maximum reliability in the Aruba Cloud digital ecosystem
  • Top performance, thanks to SDD NVMe disks
  • Simplifies data protection with Snapshots of volumes

Create block storage volumes for your Aruba Cloud infrastructure

Block Storage lets you create storage volumes in highly scalable and flexible blocks, that can be resized and moved at any time and connected to Aruba Managed Kubernetes or Aruba Cloud Server services. Our cloud archive infrastructure is based on SSD NVMe disks, guaranteeing top performance and on Ceph storage technology, ensuring scalability and reliability.

Block Storage examples
Our solution is ideal for applications that save or process large quantities of data.

Archive critical company data

Archive critical company data

Save email servers, documents or multimedia files.

Distributed Web Applications

Distributed Web Applications

Supports innovative technology, including blockchain and NFT, that require high performance and storage.

Machine learning and Big Data

Machine learning and Big Data

Archive large quantities of data required to train advanced AI models.

Data backup and restore

Data backup and restore

Keep your data safe with the possibility of taking rapid snapshots of volumes.

Block Storage pricing and features

aruba cloud block storage

  • Highly scalable
  • API management and command line
  • Available on Data Center IT3
  • Data saving with at-rest encryption
  • Ceph technology storage
  • NVMe hardware
  • Instantaneous Snapshots
  • SLA 99.95%
Block Storage
Service Storage space Hourly cost Monthly prediction*
Block Storage 1 GB € 0.00005 + VAT € 0.036 + VAT
Snapshot - € 0.00005 + VAT € 0.036 + VAT

* Monthly prediction based on 30 days, corresponding to 720 hours.

Enable your Block Storage

Why choose Aruba Block Storage?

Customizable volume dimensions

Customizable volume dimensions

Create, resize and transfer all the volumes you need at any time. Dimensions are customizable, ranging from 1 GB to 16 TB and can be changed whenever you want.

Portable and interoperable

Portable and interoperable

Import or export data from your volumes at any time, in full compliance with the latest policies.

Easy to use

Easy to use

Manage your volumes instantly with ease, using API and the command line, without having to instantiate them in advance from the management platform.

Instant Snapshots

Instant Snapshots

Take all the volume Snapshots you want and archive them for as long as you need, only paying for the space you use.

Security and data redundancy

Security and data redundancy

You can delete a Kubernetes cluster or a cloud server connected to Block Storage without losing any data. What's more, you can rely on the fact that volumes are saved on disks that are independent from the infrastructure they are connected to.

Transparent and predictable costs

Transparent and predictable costs

With an hourly price plan for each GB instantiated, only pay for the size of your Block Storage volumes and the space used to archive your Snapshots.

Enable Block Storage within the Aruba Cloud ecosystem

Enter our technological environment to explore innovative cloud solutions and build virtual infrastructures for businesses of all sizes.

Block Storage with Cloud Server

Thanks to API management, 3 availability zones, VPC Networks and Security Groups, build virtual infrastructures with no unexpected costs.

Block Storage with Managed Kubernetes

Create Kubernetes clusters in no time and efficiently organize secure, scalable applications in containers.

FAQs on Block Storage

Can a Block Storage volume be resized?

Yes, volumes can be increased at any time and as often as you want.

If the volume is formatted with file system, it can simply be extended after the increase.

Which locations provide the Block Storage service?
What is the difference between a Snapshot of a Block Storage volume and a backup?
What is the maximum size of a volume?
What is the guaranteed performance of the Block Storage service?