Cloud Backup

Your data stored safely in the cloud from just € 1.50/month + VAT *

  • Quick scheduling with the dedicated control panel
  • Protection of backups thanks to AES encryption and SSL protocols
  • Efficiency in usage with data compression and deduplication
  • Secure storage in the European Aruba data center network

* Monthly projection based on 30 days, corresponding to 720 hours, hourly rate 0.002083 €/hour + VAT ogni 10 GB


Aruba Cloud Backup features and prices

Schedule your backups to the cloud in just a few clicks, and keep your data safe while complying with disaster recovery policies.

Our online backup infrastructure is easy to use: to get started, create your backup account from the control panel and choose the pricing option that's right for you (plan or pay-per-use). Then, once you have installed a backup agent, you can schedule your automatic backups in the dedicated admin console.

With Aruba's cloud backup service, it's you who chooses the source and destination for your data. In fact, as well as the option of making backups of your cloud servers or physical servers, you can decide where to store your data by choosing from the data centers in Aruba's European network.

We have a solution for every kind of backup requirement

Manage backups to Aruba's Cloud with an easy-to-configure tool or a more comprehensive solution.


A simple solution: everything you need to perform your data backup and recovery tasks. More info

Available at the following data centers:
IT-1 IT-2 CZ-1 FR-1 DE-1 UK-1 PL-1


Boasting advanced features, this solution can be customized for more complex needs. More info

Available at the following data centers:
IT-1 IT-3 CZ-1

Cloud Backup is perfect for:


Secure hardware and virtual machine environments with the data backup and restore service.


Protect your PC from the risk of ransomware or unexpected attacks with backups to the cloud.


Keep your emails, databases, and other day-to-day programs safe.


Move your backups from one cloud to another or from an on-premises environment to the cloud.

Why choose Cloud Backup?

The security technology and standards that we use comply with the CISPE Code and are in line with regulations on confidentiality, accessibility and secure storage.

  • Easy to use
    Scheduling and restoring backups is very simple and the admin console is accessible through a browser.
  • Scheduling
    Schedule hourly, daily, or weekly backups, or customize your schedule.
  • Secure data and access
    Protection is guaranteed thanks to AES encryption, SSL protocols, as well as secure connections and backup accounts.
  • Optimized storage
    Bandwidth usage is limited thanks to data compression, data deduplication, and the ability to make incremental backups.
  • Flexibility
    You can change your price plan at any time, connect your plan to each of the backup accounts you create.

Cloud Backup - Price list

Purchase our cloud backup service with the plan that best suits your needs: pay-per-use, or predefined storage packages.

Product Size Data Transfer Backup Agent Hourly rate  
Cloud Backup
Pay-per-use Unlimited 5000 0.002083 /hour + VAT
for every 10 GB
Product Size Data Transfer Backup agent Price  
Cloud Backup 50 50 GB Unlimited 50 6.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 100 100 GB Unlimited 100 12.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 250 250 GB Unlimited 250 28.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 500 500 GB Unlimited 500 52.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 1000 1000 GB Unlimited 1000 99.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 2500 2500 GB Unlimited 2500 224.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 5000 5000 GB Unlimited 5000 399.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW
Cloud Backup 10000 10000 GB Unlimited 10000 799.99 /month + VAT ACTIVATE NOW

The first top-up must be a minimum of €10


Calculate the cost of your Cloud Backup

Protect your infrastructure from ransomware on Aruba Cloud

Adopt an anti-ransomware strategy for your on-premises platform or Hosted Private Cloud. Create an encrypted, off-site, secondary backup copy that is secure and tamper-proof in an Aruba Data Center, in a matter of seconds.

Veeam Cloud Connect Backup keeps your data safe by following the "3-2-1 rule", which involves storing a copy of the data off-site.

Please contact our team of experts to request the service.

Request Veeam Cloud Connect Backup

Cloud Backup - Technical specifications

Below is a list of the main features of our online backup service.

Price From €6.99 /month + VAT (plan)
From €1.50 /month + VAT (pay-per-use) **
Payment Pay-per-use on an hourly basis or a prepaid monthly plan
SLA 99.80%
  • Pay-per-use: multiples of 10 GB
  • 50 GB plan
  • 100 GB plan
  • 250 GB plan
  • 500 GB plan
  • 1.000 GB plan
  • 2.500 GB plan
  • 5.000 GB plan
  • 10.000 GB plan
  • 15.000 GB plan
  • 20.000 GB plan
  • Larger plans available on request
The number of servers or applications that can be protected is unlimited for all the plans
Maximum backup frequency Hourly
Scheduling of backup jobs Every hour throughout a 24hr period
As determined for each backup job
Maximum data storage (retention) From 1 day to unlimited
As determined for each backup job
Security Encryption of the transmission channel via SSL Encryption of the data saved using the AES-256 standard
Number of Backup Accounts Unlimited
Number of Connection Agents According to the plan chosen
Maximum number of backup jobs Unlimited
Traffic Unlimited incoming and outgoing
Bandwidth optimization Transfer of changes only
Client-side data compression
Connection Agents available Windows with VSS and "Bare Metal" support
Linux (Red Hat, CentOS, openSuse, Debian, Ubuntu) and "Bare Metal"
SUN Solaris *
Oracle Database
MSSQL Database *
MS Exchange *
MS Sharepoint *
MS Cluste *
Mac OS X *
Systems for optimizing bandwidth Compression
Data deduplication
Data centers on which the service can be activated EVault - IT1, IT2, IT3, CZ1, FR1, DE1, UK1, PL1
Commvault - IT1, IT3, CZ1
Certifications ISO 9001, ISO 27001
Support Included
Start now

* The above features relate to the Commvault Cloud Backup service

** proiezione mensile basata su 30 giorni corrispondenti a 720 ore, prezzo orario 0,002083 €/ora + IVA ogni 10GB