In this guide you will find all the necessary steps to install an NGINX web server on Ubuntu 18.04 and correctly configure the virtual hosts for two or more domains.
NGINX Ubuntu Web Server
In this tutorial it is explained how to employ the strengths of both web servers by making them cooperate in perfect harmony: NGINX as frontend server to send requests to Apache, used as a backend server.
Apache NGINX Ubuntu Web Server
In this guide you will learn how to filter and optimize requests for static files with NGINX, in order to increase your website performance and reduce the server load, using some tricks.
Cache NGINX Optimization
In this tutorial you will learn how to install OPcache, a module for the PHP interpreter that allows to increase the performance of an Apache or NGINX web server.
Apache Caching NGINX PHP
In this guide you will find all the useful information to start using a load balancer with Jelastic Cloud and configure it in order to balance the TCP load with NGNIX and store the cache.
Cache Jelastic Cloud NGINX
In this tutorial you will find all the steps to configure a new virtual environment with Jelastic Cloud and deploy a PHP application using NGINX.
Jelastic Cloud NGINX PHP Web Hosting
In this guide you will find all the necessary steps to install an NGINX web server on Ubuntu 20.04 and correctly configure the virtual hosts for two or more domains.
Pursuant to EU Directive 2013/11 and Regulation EU 524/2013, if you are a consumer residing in Europe, you can use the ODR platform, available at following link, to submit a request to resolve disputes relating to contractual obligations out of court.